Paint the Front Door
Most exterior paint costs about $35 a gallon. Painting your front door can add some brightness and revive the look of your entry. Pick a bold color that stands out, but make sure it coordinates with the other colors on your house. Properly prep all surfaces before you paint so you'll get great results that will last for years to come.
Hang Wall Art
Give your home’s exterior some personality by hanging a piece of wall art. Exterior wall art is a great way to fill a blank space, cover imperfections or add color. Look for weatherproof materials like powder-coated metal, stainless steel or ceramic, and make sure to securely hang your artwork so it won’t move in heavy winds.
Plant a Tree
A well-manicured lawn with established trees, shrubs and plants will always boost a home's curb appeal. Start small with a few fast-growing trees. Trees not only help your home's curb appeal, but they'll also increase your property value, they can reduce your utility bill, improve air quality and reduce stress.
Install Window Boxes
If your house is lacking color, try adding window boxes. Install them on the front porch railings as well as below the windows. The flowers and soil may actually cost you more than the box, and remember, you have to maintain the flowers to actually add curb appeal. If you'd rather not add window boxes to your house, then consider adding container gardens in pots and placing them on your front steps or porch.
Reseal the Driveway
A driveway can take up a lot of surface area, maybe even as much as your lawn, so make sure it is clean and tidy. If your driveway has cracks and discoloration, fill in the cracks and apply a new coat of sealer.
Replace the Mailbox
If you have a mailbox at the street, consider replacing it if it looks old and shabby. The price of a new mailbox starts at around $20, and a post and concrete won't be much more.
Plant a Mailbox Garden
A new mailbox will help elevate your curb appeal, but a plain post in the ground is pretty boring, plus it's a pain to mow around it. Beautify this tiny patch of yard with plants and shrubs. Add annuals, perennials and vines to create interest year-round. If dragging a water hose out to your mailbox garden will be a big chore, use drought-tolerant, low-maintenance plants. Our favorite mailbox plantings include daylilies, clematis, black-eyed Susans, rosemary and many different types of conifers.
Color Coordinate Plantings
Adding plants and greenery is a surefire way to boost your curb appeal. However, groupings are more striking when they’re color-coordinated and symmetrical. Use only one or two types of containers and one or two different colored blooms. Keep the color palette simple while matching flowerpots on each side of the door create symmetry and cohesiveness.
Illuminate the Landscape
Low-voltage lighting and solar stakes (aka spikes) are available in a variety of styles and price ranges.