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Storage Ideas to Combat Clutter

  • Your first storage idea for getting organized is buying baskets and bins,but determine what items you need to store, measure how much space they'll take up, and the size of the space where they're going to be stored. Then buy storage containers accordingly.

  • Head to dollar stores for inexpensive storage bins and baskets, and buy a bunch in the same color.Monochromatic plastic or cloth bins look restful and organized when displayed in multiples.

  • Take a hard look at your wardrobe. Place a large box or bag on the floor of your closet. Each day, ask yourself three questions about one piece of clothing: (1) Is it flattering? (2) Do I love it? (3) Does it represent who I am today? If the answer to any of these questions is "no," toss the item into the donate bag.

  • Designate a place where papers will go—on a tray, in a magazine rack, or in a basket—and when they no longer fit, it's time to move them to the recycling bin. Remember to shred any mail with personal information before discarding it.

  • Look to the backs of doors and cupboards for bonus storage ideas. Shallow shelves, hooks, and over-the-door organizers make convenient spots for items without an obvious home. Lids for pots and pans, gift-wrapping materials, and shoes are all prime candidates for behind-the-door storage.

  • Appeal to your practical side. If you no longer use or love an item, determine whether the item should be recycled, donated, or discarded.


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