No matter where you live, fall is the ideal time to prep before the temperatures, rain, and snow make it too difficult (and miserable!) to get these outdoor chores completed.
Before you do anything, head outside and do a walk-around to familiarize yourself with the exterior of your home to identify potential issues, says Busch. Look closely around windows and doors, garage doors, and walkways, and look for anything glaring that jumps out at you, such as loose dryer vents, sagging shutters, or damaged siding. Also, if this is your first winter in your home, locate your home’s shutoff valves for gas and water. It’s better to know ahead of time than to be scrambling around trying to find a shutoff if you’ve got a leak or you smell gas.
Check the weatherstripping on windows and doors.
Cold air seeps in through the tiniest cracks. Check the rubberized or felt strip or adhesive foam tape that goes around doors or window frames to make sure it's in good shape. If it’s torn or missing chunks or you can see gaps of light through the weatherstripping, it’s time to replace it, says Busch. Check what kind you have before shopping.
Winterize lawn and garden equipment.
After you cut the lawn for the last time, get your equipment ready for long-term storage. Clean it off and drain the gas or use a gas stabilizer that allows you to keep gas in the machine all winter, and disconnect batteries. Store any garden items such as pots that are not freeze-resistant, such as terra cotta, in the shed, garage, or basement. And don't forget to put away lawn furniture!
Shut off water to outdoor spigots.
Ensure in-ground irrigation systems have been blown out so no water remains in them to freeze. Drain garden hoses and store in the shed or garage. Turn off outdoor spigots, which often have a shutoff valve in the basement. Once you’ve shut off the water, open the spigot and let the remaining water drip out. Then close it again.
Get your fireplace checked out.
If it’s been a few years—or if you’ve never had it done— it’s probably time for a chimney inspection and cleaning.
Make sure the gutters are clean.
Gutters clogged by leaves and sticks also allow water and ice to back up under the shingles, creating what’s known as an ice dam that pushes water up underneath your shingles, says Busch. The weight of icicles also can pull down gutters that aren’t draining properly.
Plug big exterior holes.
Walk around your house and look for obvious cracks or holes that allow entry to rodent pests. Check places such as around windows and doors, around the fireplace, at the foundation where it meets the ground, around the hot water tank or furnace pipes exiting the house, and dryer vents. It’s not always easy to see a small hole, but you may discover some obvious gaps that can be filled with caulking or foam spray.
Switch the direction your ceiling fan rotates.
Heat rises, so make sure your fan is rotating clockwise to help move warm air down to the living area. In the summer, reverse the fan to counterclockwise to create a cooling downdraft. There’s usually a little button on the side of the fan to make the switch.
Change your furnace filter.
A clogged filter makes your furnace work harder and may shorten its lifespan.
Get ready for winter storms.
Don’t wait until a big storm is pending! Dig out your snow shovels now, and make sure your snowblower is working, says Busch. Stock up on ice melt, too.

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